“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God”
Matthew 5: 9
It is impossible to avoid the events unfolding in Israel and Gaza. Horrific pictures and accounts of violence and suffering dominate our screens. This can become such a pre-occupation that it is easy to lose perspective. For some ‘doom-scrolling’ – the ease with which we can flick through the news channels for horror headlines - can become a source of anxiety and fear. For others it is one way they can stay in touch with home. This is so hard to imagine. How do we cope?
The Beatitude quoted above is one of a list of blessings that Jesus says as he starts his teaching on the Mount. They are so well known that they can lose their impact. In fact, each Beatitude is intentionally counter-cultural. The whole message of the Gospel was and is to give hope.
So, it was a huge encouragement when students came to see me a couple of weeks ago saying how totally opposed they were to violence. These young people, starting out in life and maybe looking ahead to children of their own, said humbly and strongly said there has to be another way to sort out difference. There was an optimistic clarity of logic in their thinking. Alongside our prayers - however we say them – must be a determination to nurture this ideal and call for a cessation for all violence.
My colleague Mother Sarah has offered this prayer:
Have mercy O Lord upon all who suffer because of the conflict in the Middle East. We beseech you to bring a halt to violence, to bring peace, to end hatred.
In this time of unimaginable heartbreak, speak peace to those who have the power to end the violence. Give courage, inspiration and clear judgement to those who work for peace. Grant compassion and restraint in all those places where it is so desperately needed.
Strengthen and uphold all those who work to relieve suffering, care for the sick, tend the wounded. Open the channels which provide basic necessities to those in desperate need.
We pray especially for those who are grieving, the injured and those without food, shelter or medicine. Protect all those who live in fear.
Open the doors of your heavenly kingdom to all those who have died. May they know the joy and peace of your kingdom, free of all pain, sorrow and fear.
Give us strength of faith to go on praying, compassionate hearts which do not become hardened, and faithfulness to your truth and justice. Amen.
To read more from Mother Sarah https://blogs.bath.ac.uk/interfaith/2023/11/02/celebrating-diwali/