Pioneer Saint

Posted in: University Chaplain's Latest Reflection

Let me tell you about a woman born in 1194. She was a young woman from a wealthy, possibly aristocratic Roman family. She was well educated and well read. She is known as ‘Clare of Assisi’ and was an early follower of the famous St Francis of Assisi.

Clare found Francis to be inspirational and she set out to emulate his life, work and spirituality. To do this she founded a monastic religious order for women which followed the rule and traditions of the Franciscans. Her movement was called the ‘Order of Poor Ladies’. The order is still active and today is known as ‘The Poor Clares’.

Clare wrote the rule by which these women lived. In so doing she was the first woman to have written a set of monastic rules. At the heart of her, and their, spirituality is a rule of strict poverty. You might wonder at her relevance to your present place and time but relevant she is!

Clare of Assisi is the Patron Saint of Television and Screens. I suppose she is the patron saint of your iPad, MacBook, PC, TV and phone.

She was designated as the patron saint of television in 1958 by Pope Pius XII. The reasoning being when she became too ill to attend Mass she reported that she was able to both see and hear it projected on the wall of her room.

I read that Clare’s remit was ‘widened’ to accommodate other forms of screens as they gradually appeared on the scene. A logical progression.

So we have an interesting and inspiring woman. A pioneer. An innovator. The founder of an order active, doing good, to this very day … centuries after her death.

So when you glance at your phone, open your laptop, or settle down to binge-watch a series on Netflix remember this remarkable woman and all the things she achieved over such a long period of time.

David Pattie

Posted in: University Chaplain's Latest Reflection


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