Welcoming Joshua to the team

Posted in: Local and civic engagement

Katrina here - I am shortly due to go on maternity leave and want to take a chance to welcome Joshua Hale to the team where he'll be covering my role as Head of Community Engagement.

Joshua will take over existing projects I have been working on, including responsibility for 'Our Shared Future' (our collaboration with Bath & North East Somerset Council), and working alongside the Public Engagement Unit in delivering our Civic University Agreement.

He has previously been working for the Students Union as a volunteer coordinator and has excellent relationships with charities across the local area. He also volunteered throughout the COVID-19 pandemic with Bath 3SG, making an immense impact on the local community and receiving awards for his efforts.

Joshua is looking forward to taking forward existing projects as well as kicking off some new ones, including activity aimed at connecting local people to the university campus, and a new programme of work with local primary schools. I am sure he'll receive a warm welcome when he starts the role on 14 February.

Posted in: Local and civic engagement


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