Staff and students across University of Bath are pioneering for change and leading significant action to fight the climate emergency. To recognise these valuable contributions and trailblazing approaches, we've launched Climate Action badges to be awarded to these individuals and groups. Additionally, partnerships and collaborations are imperative to achieving successful climate action and so badges will also be presented to strategic partners of the University who are making waves regionally, nationally and globally.
Made from sustainably-sourced bamboo, the badges include the Climate Action logo which represents both the challenge of a labyrinth and the solution of collective thinking. The tree resemblance reminds us that alongside the people and communities that will suffer from the devastating effects of climate change, nature will also be impacted should we not take the urgent action required.
The first recipients of these new badges were Atsufumi Yokoi (Senior Vice President for Global Engagement Strategy), Miki Harada (Chief Officer of Global Engagement Office) and Yu Tsuha (University Global Administrator) from Okayama University. Atsufumi Yokoi also holds the roles of UNESCO Chair in Research and Education for Sustainable Development and is Director for the One Young World Japan Committee.
They visited University of Bath in October for a series of meetings to discuss a proposed One Young World Universities Network, and opportunities for our two institutions to collaborate around teaching and learning, particularly related to Climate Action, student exchanges, and joint projects. The opportunity to meet in person provided rich conversation, deepened our collaborative ties and paved the way for more exciting and innovative projects to come.
We work with teams throughout the University to address how we transition to a zero-carbon campus, tackling our scope three emissions, supporting staff and students to make low-carbon decisions easier and embedding net zero thinking into all policies and aspects of the organisation. We couldn’t make progress on our ambitious climate action plans without the support of our community, staff and students, across the University.
In recognition of their contributions, badges will be awarded to staff, students and partners throughout the academic year with an official presentation ceremony and celebration event to take place in summer 2023.