The Climate Action Team has recently welcomed new placement students who will be joining forces with existing members to tackle the urgent issue of climate change. These fresh faces bring with them new energy and enthusiasm to the team, which is dedicated to finding sustainable solutions, raising awareness about the importance of collectively reducing our carbon footprint, and empowering students to be the driving forces for change. Collectively, the team is united in striving towards a shared objective of cultivating a healthier, more prosperous planet for all.
Meet The New Members of the Team!
Hi everyone, I’m Vasudef, a student in Mechanical Engineering.
I have been working with the Climate Action Team for over two months now, and it has been nothing but absolute fun for me, to say the least. My main role involves working with Mark, the Scope 3 Data Officer, with analysing the University’s carbon footprint through the supply chain.
What I absolutely enjoy about the placement so far is the fact that I am not tied down to one or two specific and similar tasks and projects. On one day, I will be analysing the University’s carbon footprint, and I will be facilitating Climate Fresk on another. I am also working with students and staff from universities throughout the UK to see how we can collectively reduce our carbon footprint. There’s a lot more I could say, but all I’ll say for now is that I am extremely excited for my placement year and am looking forward to working on the various projects that I will be doing!
Hi there!
My name is Angelica; I’m a Politics and International Relations student at the University of Bath, and I’ve been working with the Climate Action Team for over two months now. I primarily work with our Engagement and Training Manager - Alice Lowe. My role within the team is to help increase student engagement through various sources, organise events, and promote sustainable research through programmes such as LEAF or VIPs. I also have the opportunity to collaborate with other departments such as Campus Services, Communications and the SU.
It has been interesting to have my placement on campus as I am able to provide my unique perspective as a student. Still, I am also able to learn about the University from a different point of view and learn new things that most other students may not be aware of. I am very content that I can have a positive impact on my local community. It is also satisfying to work within an environment where the shared goal is to combat climate change and to live more sustainably. Furthermore, I like that the team is relatively small (it is slowly growing, though!) and that I am assigned my own responsibilities.
There is also the opportunity for me to explore my own interests and achieve my own personal goals, which is something I value in a workplace. In addition, working with the Climate Action Team, I have found that there is a strong emphasis on achieving a healthy work-life balance; I work on a hybrid basis, which is great as I commute in from Reading. I am excited to see what the rest of the year has in store, but if you are thinking about where to apply for placements, I highly recommend applying for the Climate Action Team. See you at the next Climate Action Event!