Re:View for students

Posted in: av

Re:View is the University of Bath’s lecture capture system. It allows academic staff to record  teaching sessions to help with your learning. This academic year the University has been busy making changes to how teaching staff can schedule their lectures and other teaching activities for automatic recording.

There are two ways to access recorded material hosted on Re:View, and how you do so will depend on the type of recording and when it was made.

  • In-class recordings (e.g. lectures) made after September 2018:
    These are accessible directly from the Re:View site. Log in using your username and password. New content will then appear on the homepage, or in the “Shared with me” link on the left-hand menu item.
  • All content captured before September 2018:
    These recordings can be accessed through the relevant Moodle course(s) on the Moodle Re:View block.

More information and guidance can be found here.

Posted in: av


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