You snooze, you (don't) lose

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Research funding

THE has an article detailing how reforms to REF are causing leading university departments to lose out on seven-figure sums, despite excelling in the latest assessment and Wonkhe has an article looking at the UKRI minimum stipend level could be for 2023/24.


Industrial action

Industrial action has continued this week with further strikes across the sector. Labour’s deputy leader Angela Rayner has expressed concerns about the actions of some institutions. Meanwhile, Wonkhe has a piece on how pay negotiations work in UK universities.


Equality and widening participation

At least 100,000 more girls need to study mathematics or physics at A Level in order to reach gender parity in engineering and technology degrees, according to a new report from EngineeringUK.

Following last week’s publication of the government’s response to the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care, the Director of the National Network for the Education of Care Leavers has written a piece for Wonkhe on what needs to happen if the government’s targets on care leaver participation are to be met.


Student experience

A survey from Advance HE has found that retention rates have recovered after the easing of Covid restrictions, with students also happier with levels of staff engagement.

Research published in the US claims to have quantified the exact relationship between total nightly sleep time and academic achievement in the first year of higher study, with only one in 20 study participants getting the recommended eight hours of sleep a night.

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