UNECE's Miracle Birth

Posted in: New Publications

I have written before about what I see as the ineffectiveness of UNECE's work on ESD, so I approach its latest outpourings with my normal skepticism.  After much gestation, it has at last given birth to its Competences in ESD for educators.   This nativity is accompanied by the usual flummery about how expert it is

The mandate for this exercise was to prepare:

[a] General recommendations for policymakers, so as to provide them with a tool to integrate ESD into relevant policy documents with a view to creating an enabling environment for the development of competences across all sectors of education, with particular emphasis on formal education;

[b] A range of core competences in ESD for educators, including defining these, as feasible, to serve as a tool to facilitate the integration of ESD into all educational programmes at all levels, as well as guidelines for the development of these competences among educators.

It's all too easy to poke fun at UNECE and its grandiloquent self-importance, but this should not stop one doing it.  However, it does behove us all to give this latest infant a chance to overcome its parentage and show what it's made of.  In the unlikely event that you've not seen it (I swear I must have been sent 16 copies), Here it is:  UNECE

Enjoy.  I shall try to do so, and to see its value, and will return to comment on it later on.

Posted in: New Publications


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