It is not only this week's Spiked that is wondering about all the bile that has been heaped on poor old AC Grayling's head over the last few days – just Google "New College Grayling" to see the wide-ranging abuse – I have managed a modest bit of puzzlement myself. I can understand New College, Oxford's being a bit miffed that there is to be a new 'New College (but only for the Humanities)' in the HE sector – imagine all that extra confusion it will cause for students already busy with Facebook, but why should anyone else get so upset? I can't be the money, can it? After all, it's not as if English HE is actually free any more (actually, it's never been free unless you conveniently forget the taxpayers' pockets out of which most money comes). Sounds more like craven envy to me: just think, this institution won't have to listen to Hefce, Offa, or Vince Cable! And, whisper it gently, it might even be a success – what then? Where would that leave the rest? I was pleased to see a bit of balance from the Guardian. For what it matters, I welcome any (much overdue) experimental innovation within the sector; just a pity the bursaries for really good students from non-conventional backgrounds seem, thus far, so skimpy.