I'm grateful to Nick Jones for forwarding the latest newsletter from the BRE group which reports that 70% of UK concrete is now responsibly sourced, and covered by BRE Global’s BES 6001 Responsible Sourcing certification.
Being curious as to what this could possibly mean, I delved further only to discover that Responsible Sourcing of Construction Products ...
provides a holistic approach to managing a product from the point at which a material is mined or harvested in its raw state through manufacture and processing, through use, re-use and recycling, until its final disposal as waste with no further value.
is demonstrated through an ethos of supply chain management and product stewardship and encompasses social, economic and environmental dimensions.
addresses aspects such as stakeholder engagement, labour practices and the management of supply chains serving materials sectors upstream of the manufacturer.
So there we have it. This makes blogging worthwhile.
Mind you, if you want a (w)hole new take on holism, just click here.