Expert panel report on the national curriculum

Posted in: New Publications

Just before Christmas, the DfE published a report by the expert panel set up to guide the English national curriculum review process.  This is now available on the DfE website.  The DfE says:

This report summarises the Expert Panel’s thinking on a range of fundamentally important issues, which are crucial to defining an overarching conception of the purposes, shape, size and structure of the curriculum.  The report focuses in particular on a number of recommendations, some of which have the potential to result in radical change to the National Curriculum, beyond change to curriculum content.  It is hoped that the report will help to generate public discussion and constructive contributions to the Department’s review of the National Curriculum over the weeks and months to come.

I found it an engaging read which takes the idea of curriculum seriously.  It has also positive things to say about the importance of schools setting out to "promote understanding of sustainability in the stewardship of resources locally, nationally and globally".

Whilst this is an odd phrase, which not everyone will enthuse over, it seems to me that it has the merit of having been included in the review, for which I give some thanks.

Much more on all this later.

Posted in: New Publications


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