EAUC has submitted a well-argued response to the QAA about its marginalisation of sustainability in the new UK quality code. See this post for a comment on the very poor fist QAA made of all this.
EAUC begins ...
In the face of failing economic, social and ecological systems, it is our view that tertiary education has a key responsibility to equip learners with the knowledge, skills and values required to meet these profound challenges and threats. We ask that QAA acknowledge this more explicitly by placing learning and quality issues in to proper context. Our members would argue that any discussion of quality that fails to recognise the imperatives of that global and societal context would be a missed opportunity. We feel that now is a time to be bold and we encourage QAA to recognise the opportunity that exists in the Quality Code to demonstrate a new value both to future learners and society at large. ...
It is our view that sustainable development must become a lens through which all education must be viewed and quality assessed before we can be confident that UK universities and colleges are stepping up, taking responsibly and are fit for purpose. ...
Quite so. An eloquent and positive response. Really hard to see how QAA can ignore it!