
Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

I see that the government of Georgia is organizing an inter-governmental conference on Environmental Education for Sustainable Development.  This is scheduled for 6 – 7 September 2012 in, where else, Tbilisi, and will commemorate the 35th anniversary of the eponymous declaration.  The conference aims to ...

"provide a platform for international leaders to follow up on UN-led forums on ESD and take stock of the gains made in implementation of major national, regional and international Environmental Education agendas up to 2012, and to define the roadmap ahead."

That won't take long, then.  It also aims to ...

"leverage on the educational agenda that will be captured in the outcome document of the recently-concluded RIO+20 summit."

... whatever that means.  Clearly, this is an event for gab-fest junkies with carbon credits (probably other people's) to spare.  I'll not be going.

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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