Another policy slogan anyone? 'global competence' is heading right for you

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This is an extract from the latest e-message from Think Global’s Chief Executive, Tom Franklin:

As you may know, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) will be including ‘Global Competence’ in its ‘PISA’ international measurement of different countries’ education achievements.  PISA gets a lot of attention in education circles – with much commentary on why some countries appear to perform better than others.  I think it is an exciting development that ‘global competence’ is being recognised as a key aspect of young peoples’ education, and it is bound to create more focus on the skills, values and knowledge that make up global competence.  But a key issue will be: how to define global competence, and how to measure it across different countries’ education systems.  I’m quite excited to be part of an international reference group which will be helping to review the criteria as they are developed.  

Fascinating.  Well, good luck with defining out all the contradictions in what is just another compound policy slogan.  As I noted back in June, in a comment on a Think Global breakfast debate, it seems that such competences are all really about boosting the economy.  This will be a relief to the OECD – and to Pearson, whose invisible hand is pulling all the strings here.

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