Surprising news from the Ofsted Bunker

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

Ofsted has announced that under its new common inspection framework, inspectors will, from September, make judgements about the personal development, behaviour and welfare of leaners.

They will look at the extent to which institutions are successful at supporting pupils to gain knowledge of how to keep themselves healthy, including through exercise and healthy eating.  In order to form judgements, inspectors will have to look for a health and well-being culture throughout the school, and will have to talk to school leaders about how they help to ensure a healthy lifestyle for pupils by helping them gain knowledge of a good diet, physical exercise and mental and physical wellbeing.

I am rather surprised by all this, but welcome it.  I'm told that the school food plan was highly influencial, as was pressure from NHS England.  All Ofsted has to do now, it seems, is to train all its inspectors to deliver consistent and appropriate judgements – something it has always found hard.

Personally, I hope that all inspectors will be required to have their lunch with students as part of these visits, and see this as a formal part of the day.  Buon appetito!

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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