The GEEP is launched

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

I wrote a while back about a meeting I went to about the GEEP – pronounced jeep – the Global Environmental Education Partnerships.  The website has now been launched.

The idea is that GEEP is a platform where people can learn more about international environmental education.  It includes an interactive map of countries with an overview of their environmental education efforts.  I wrote the section on the UK, following consultation with those who know about such things – although not everyone responded.

This website is still in development, and GEEP will continue to build the resources and best practice section, as well as the country profiles and featured programmes.  It will soon be linked to NAAEE's new eePRO site – Click here, and then click on eePRO to get an idea of how that works.  More later, no doubt.


Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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