Lies, damned lies and UNESCO website headlines

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

"G7 education ministers reaffirm commitment to ESD" was the headline in a recent UNESCO briefing (the ESD ZOOM Newsletter).  Clicking on the 'more info' link, however, takes you to this headline:

"G7 Education Ministers reaffirm commitment to quality education"

... which is not quite the same thing.

In what follows this headline, there is one brief mention of ESD in the context of the GAP, with the rest of the long article being about EFA much more broadly.  Confirmation, then, that there are lies, damned lies and UNESCO website headlines.  Confirmation also, perhaps, that the old tension between EFA and ESD is still being played out within UNESCO, with EFA – of course – still winning.


Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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