Climate (change) educators help the DfE make its point

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

My comments last week about the latest iteration of the DfE straight bat reminded me that NAEE recently featured a story about climate education in a primary school in North Tyne which is working with the creators of the eduCCate Global Teacher Academy United Nations Climate Change (UNCC).
NAEE also had a feature on Harwood Education‘s Climate Change Teacher Training Academy which now has 80 UK accredited climate change teachers in the UK, with some 2000 teachers working towards the qualification.  Their online course takes 15-20 hours to complete and covers areas such as climate change science, adaptation planning, health, forests, climate change finance and international negotiations.
These are the sort of initiatives that makes the DfE’s point for it.  Look, it will say, not only does the curriculum provide opportunities, but now there is professional development as well.  "Just get on with it and stop bothering us!" they might say if only they weren't so polite.

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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