What are those hidden EE gems?

Posted in: Comment, New Publications, News and Updates

A New Year mail from Justin Dillon and Alan Reid who asked for suggestions of material to go into a publication in the Routledge  ‘major works’ series which is intended to draw from material that has already been published.  The task is to provide an historical perspective and selection of resources that will give the reader a sense of the breadth and depth of work in English carried out under the banner of, in this case, environmental education.

They asked for 3–5 suggestions under each of these headings:

Compulsory reading – those texts that today, recently and historically, are rightly regarded as key references for the field
Foundational texts – UNESCO statements and beyond
Game changers – to which we can trace theoretical & practical shifts or disruptions in the field
Overlooked gems – which provide keen insights and compelling arguments about environmental education but typically don’t show in ‘most cited’ listings, and,
Ones to avoid
Quite a challenge, especially as some categories overlap, and you were expected to keep your prejudices in check.  What would you have said?

Posted in: Comment, New Publications, News and Updates


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