
  • Earth First!

    Holidays almost over, and the urge to sit in front of a computer reasserts itself in my priorities, elbowing the taking of exercise out of the way.  I did manage some fresh air and walking during the break, however, and...

  • What to do about all that University Carbon

    Under the heading: "Let's have a heated debate: Universities are about to be given targets for carbon reduction – expect arguments about the best approach", the Guardian recently explored the issue of how UK universities might contribute to the UK's carbon-reduction...

  • A Sustainable Schools Question

    The government’s target is that all English schools will be sustainable by 2020.  Although it's not clear what this will actually have to mean in practice, it does suggest (implicitly at any rate) that focusing on the sustainability of a school, as...

  • [Re-]thinking Allowed

    1. I'm grateful to a school-based colleague who recently said to me that what schools need to do is to emphasise re-thinking rather than re-cycling.   Indeed!  was my first thought.  Then I wondered why I'd not come up with...

  • Schools, the Learning Society and Sustainability

    Schools, as institutions, need to be seen as an integral part of the wider learning society with the key role of supporting young people in the early stages of acquiring those wide-ranging understandings and capabilities that they will need to continue...

  • The Primary Review – and ESD

    I'm very grateful to Ben Ballin, of Tide~, for drawing to my attention a significant piece of text from the Cambridge Primary Review: children, their world, their education.  As I noted in an earlier posting, there is some controversy as...

  • Sustainable School Doorways

    The DCSF's use of the doorway metaphor has meant that the language of its sustainable schools framework was already familiar to school leaders because it mapped squarely onto many recent policy foci; for example, healthy eating / citizenship / well-being / transport /...

  • Schools, but not as we know them, perhaps

    It seems to me that one of those seminal moments is approaching, when we shall have to decide whether sustainability in schools is to be seen and treated as just another initiative, a bit like environmental education or global citizenship...

  • The UN ESD Decade – half way there

    For three days at the end of March, 900+ people assembled in Bonn for the mid-Decade review.  This brief comment is partial - in at least two senses. 1. EFA and ESD If you log onto the UNESCO Education homepage you will see that UNESCO's top priority is “Education...

  • Stanley Fish and the line of virtue

    Last November, the THE's Devil's Advocate column focused on Stanley Fish, the Milton scholar.  I was reminded of the piece as I sat in the back of a primary school classroom the other day watching what was going on.  In...