News and Updates

  • A Sustainable Higher Education Academy? Not quite yet

    The Higher Education Academy [HEA] has an advisory group on ESD of which I am a member.  The Academy also has a new Strategic Plan (2012–2016).  Sadly, this is not all it might be.  It begins ... This is a dynamic...

  • Unfolding the Power of ESD: lessons learnt and ways forward?

    Unfolding the Power of ESD – Lessons Learned and Ways Forward reports on the conference The Power of ESD – Exploring Evidence & Promise, which took place in Gotland, Sweden, in October 2012.  The conference was organized by the Swedish...

  • Jeff Forshaw on science and politicians

    A good article in the Observer last week from Jeff Forshaw.  He's a mate of Brian Cox – Oh, and a professor of physics and astronomy at Manchester.  It begins: In an editorial for the New Statesman, my colleague at the...

  • Higher Education Funding for 2013-14

    Every January, the Higher Education Funding Council for England [HEFCE] receives a letter from whichever government department currently holding the parcel labelled “Responsibility for Higher Education”.  This sets out what government expects the Council to do for its (taxpayers’) money...

  • Implementing improved educational and school standards in Wales

    I have commented before on the problems Welsh schools have in achieving decent standards for their students, and of how ESDGC seems irrelevant to this, despite research evidence to the contrary, and the high-profile focus on sustainable development as a...

  • Ireland's the place to be for ESD

    I was alerted the other day to the Ireland International Conference on Education (IICE-2013), April 15-17, 2013, in Dublin.  The mail said: IICE is an international refereed conference dedicated 
to the advancement of the theory and practices in education. 

  • Ayrshire children miss out on ESD2

    A rather inevitable story in the Telegraph at the weekend which shows the wind industry adopting fairtrade tactics in using children to urge their parents to pressure the local council to give the ok to wind farm development. The story...

  • After Sustainability: denial, hope, retrieval – a new John Foster Seminar

    A date for everyone's dairy, I'd say.  John Foster will speak on After Sustainability :  denial, hope, retrieval on April 30th at the University of Bath as part of the I-SEE seminar series.  1600 (for tea).  This is John's Abstract: Why...

  • DfID buying votes again

    I've taken this from the most recent Think Global newsletter: The Global Learning Programme, funded by DFID, has been awarded to The Development Education Consortium which comprises the following organisations: the Geographical Association, the Institute of Education, Oxfam, the Royal...

  • Mark Lynas's GM mea culpa

    Mark Lynas's recent lecture to the Oxford Farming Conference begins: I want to start with some apologies.  For the record, here and upfront, I apologise for having spent several years ripping up GM crops.  I am also sorry that I...