News and Updates
Welcome to another Dr Scott
For an academic parent there surely cannot be a grander occasion than to see one of your children be awarded his PhD. To the University of Liverpool, then, and the somewhat faded ART Deco splendour of the Philharmonic Hall. It...
Blog to Blog
My esteemed New Zealand colleague Bronwen Harward has sent me a recent blog about the London student protests on 9th December. She posed a few questions about how we view young people in the UK today. Here's my response: We...
Big Society 0 – Big Brother 1
Yesterday's Guardian carried a story about a 12 year old schoolboy in the Prime Minister's constituency who has been campaigning against the closure of youth facilities in his town. The Guardian reports that, on Thursday, he had his collar...
The World's Worst Questionnaire
I confess that I have had to change my mind about this dubious accolade which had previously been awarded to Unesco for plumbing new depths of impenetrability. This was before I saw the latest effort from UNECE in its efforts...
Three Days in Bradford …
At the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's 10+1 conference focusing on Cradle to Cradle ideas. Quite a trek to get here on a rail system coping pretty well with snow and ice. And a shock to be back in the north of...
Probably the Wrong Sort of Sustainability
In its Schools White Paper published today: The Importance of Teaching, the government has promised to "develop sustainable approaches to teacher development". These are going to be Teaching Schools it seems, along the medical school model, an idea whose...
Climate Change Education
If you hear a dull thud as you read this, it's the digitally-enhanced sound of my heart sinking (again). At a recent Unesco Executive Board, its panjandrums decided that a special focus on climate change education was just what ESD...
My Grand European Tour …
... is over, for now. The last seven days have found me giving talks in Lüneburg, Paris, London, and finally in Bolton. On Tuesday I was a guest of the ESD research group in Lüneburg to launch their 2010/11 ESD...
Useful 'official' Sustainable School Links
Janice Lawson has recently brought together the following 'official' sustainable school links. a Qualifications and Curriculum Agency leaflet on building sustainable development into the curriculum Teaching Awards showing national and regional winners in the sustainable schools category The work of...
Good News from the DfE
The following statement of support from ministers is on the DfE website: The government is fully committed to sustainable development and the importance of preparing young people for the future. Our approach to reform is based on the belief that...