Author: Ben Mitchell -

A shorter working month than usual this time as I have been off work for the previous week and a half skiing to celebrate my 21st, the joys of being able to take holiday when you please and not according to a school or university timetable.

Making the most of a slight lull in work I have used March to attend many of the mandatory training days that new starters at TFL are required to complete. These range from courses outlining PATHWAY, the methodology used within the company to manage projects, programmes and portfolios, to those teaching the importance of diversity, equality and inclusion at TFL. As with any lecture or course the usefulness of these courses has much to do with the quality of the speaker, so although a course reminding you to make sure you respect diversity within the workplace sounds entirely unnecessary it turned out to be a highly enjoyable day.

Alongside work I have also been encouraged to study for the Association of Project Management Introductory Certificate, an exam I will be taking this Friday following another training course, Introduction to Project Management, which I completed yesterday.


On an unrelated note I’ve now had placement visit from a member of staff from the university. Steve came down last Friday and, following a long chat with my Sponsor and manager, we had a talk about both of the placements I’ve worked in so far before going for that classic Friday lunch, fish and chips in the canteen in Broadway.

Posted in: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering placements, Undergraduate


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