In teams of six, our first-year Mechanical Engineering students designed, built and raced a spring-propelled dragster. The dragster must be powered from a standing start over a timed 10-metre course.

There are up to 100 points on offer with 20 marks for each successful run (max 60) plus additional marks as follows:

Less than 5 seconds - 8
Less than 4.5 seconds - 16
Less than 4 seconds - 24
Less than 3.5 seconds - 32
Less than 3.0 seconds - 36
Less than 2.8 seconds - 40

With a winning time of 2.51 seconds, congratulations to Integrated Mechanical & Electrical Engineering students Dominic, Sophie, Amy, Ben, George and Jonathan!

Watch highlights from the competition

Watch the video on Vimeo.

Posted in: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Student projects, Undergraduate

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