University's Lifestyle
Author: Sabine K., MSc Modern Building Design - Where to meet new people and make great friends at university It is 00.12 am, the 26th of June, I am sitting at Costa at Heathrow airport. I am going back home...
5 top tips for effective time management at university
Author: Federico Presicci - One of the great things about University of Bath is that it offers a wide range of extracurricular activities that you can take part in, to develop the skills you aim to acquire for future. During...
MSc Modern Building Design: A survival manual
Author: Sabine K., MSc Modern Building Design - The term ‘Modern Building Design’ comprises of modern ways to tackle new buildings. Hence, the course is about liberating oneself from traditional ways of planning and discovering new innovative ways to design...
Modern Building Design or Environmental Design?
Author: Sabine K., MSc Modern Building Design - Explaining the difference from a student's point of view Do you intend to study MSc Architectural Engineering: Environmental Design (ED) or MSc Modern Building Design (MBD) but wonder what the difference is?...
MSc Student insights - The dissertation
The dissertation phase can be frightening for students. There are many things to consider in order to make sure the final product is perfect. When is the right time to start? What sort of project plan is needed? What to...
From MSc to PhD
Author: Lorenzo Giunta - Completed our MSc Engineering Design and is now studying for a PhD in the Department of Mechanical Engineering “Why a PhD?” I have had friends and family ask me this question quite often. “Why would you want...
Top tips for international students studying in the UK
Author: Sabine K., MSc Modern Building Design – If you are planning to come to the UK to pursue your master's, you might need some tips and tricks on how to get along here. As a European student myself, I...
The Future Business Challenge
Author: Federico Presicci, MSc Innovation and Technology Management (ITM) - ITM is delivered jointly between the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the School of Management. The Future Business Challenge is a week-long competition for MSc students organised by the School...
Privately rented housing or student accommodation?
Author: Sabine K., MSc Modern Building Design – My guide to help you find the perfect space during your studies If you have decided to join the University of Bath or have already received an unconditional offer, then let me...
A royal visit: Prince Harry and Ms Meghan Markle came to our University
Author: Sabine K., MSc Modern Building Design - When I think about the British Royal Family, the first thing that pops into my mind is the Queen, Prince William and Duchess Catherine. I remember watching their wedding celebration on TV a...