Mechanical Engineering
Why is engineering for everyone?
Authors: Alan Joshy, Jack Hardy, Thomas To, Tabitha Reynolds and Owain Thomas - Why is engineering for everyone? The brief was to answer this question through a 2-minute video that would appeal to younger audiences and capture people’s attention. Engineering is...
Well boring job with NOV – Not so boring after all!
Author: Nguyen Vo - For my placement year, I’m lucky to be working with National Oilwell Varco (NOV). The name may not ring a bell to you, but it is one of the largest oil and gas supplying companies in...
From MSc to PhD
Author: Lorenzo Giunta - Completed our MSc Engineering Design and is now studying for a PhD in the Department of Mechanical Engineering “Why a PhD?” I have had friends and family ask me this question quite often. “Why would you want...
The launch and recovery! - launching a High-Altitude Balloon
Author: Jacob Smith - After my unsuccessful launch attempt in July I wouldn’t be able to attempt another launch for at least another four weeks because I had to apply for permission from the Civil Aviation Authority again. I had...
Choosing a balloon & parachute, and going for launch - launching a High Altitude Balloon
Author: Jacob Smith - Hello! I know it’s been a long time since my last blog post about my High-Altitude Balloon (HAB) project – but I promise you this is worth the wait! I left off in June having made...
EIP Project Planning & First Stages
Author: Joseph - Hi there, my name is Joseph and last month I began to give some sort of insight into the daily life of an Extended Integrated Project (EIP) student working at Rolls-Royce as part of my Master’s Degree...
Building and Testing (part 2) - launching a High Altitude Balloon
Author: Jacob Smith - Welcome to part 2 of 'Building and Testing' - things are getting even more exciting now! The payload box Once I had successfully tested the tracker and cameras, next on the list of things to do...
Building and Testing (part 1) - launching a High Altitude Balloon
Author: Jacob Smith - Welcome back to my balloon blog. You’ll be glad to hear I have been very busy with this project over the last couple of months - testing the cameras, finalising and testing the tracking device, and...
The EIP Experience; An Introduction
Author: Joseph - Hi, my name is Joseph and I am a 4th year Integrated Mechanical and Electrical Engineer (IMEE). Over the coming months I hope to explain to you about my work on the External Integrated Project (EIP) scheme...