October 2018
The 'Education is broken' trope
There's a piece in this week's Observer entitled; "Our failing education system means its still no easier to climb life's ladder". The notion of an education system failing wholesale is of course a trope popular amongst people who want radical...
Academic freedom and non-democracies
Many UK universities have close academic relationships with non-democratic states. The reasons, often to do with income and helping states modernise their societies and infrastucture, are well-rehearsed. There's a story in the papers at the moment, though, where the compromises...
Hold the front page - Michael FD Young has had second thoughts about knowledge in the curriculum
'The other' Michael Young, the one who's still alive, author of Knowledge and ControlĀ (1971) and still a full professor at UCL, has changed his mind about knowledge in the curriculum. He's with the right's ED Hirsch now on that stuff,...
Oli Mould; "Against Creativity", on FreshEd
FreshEd Podcast is always a rewarding listen. This one sees geographer @olimould of Royal Holloway talking about how creativity is increasingly characterised in economic terms. Oli has a book out; "Against Creativity". His ideas seem really quite righteous. Go on,...