• Structure Visualisation for All and Anywhere: an e-learning resource

    Understanding the structure of a compound or material is central to the learning goals in many areas of science and engineering including chemistry, pharmacology, materials and chemical engineering, and biochemistry. But structures are three dimensional and conceptually difficult to understand through the normal two-dimensional learning formats of lectures, lecture notes, textbooks and whiteboards. This 2013-14 project provided access to software and extensive database resources to all undergraduate and postgraduate students, undertaking Chemistry and Natural Science degrees, to allow them to view and manipulate structures in three dimensions using departmental computer resources and their own laptops, computers, tablets and smartphones.

  • Developing randomised e-quizzes for flexible assessment

    The aim of this 2013-14 project was to generate large banks of applied numeracy Moodle questions to support the teaching of basic maths in Biochemistry and Chemistry. We employed and trained six students studying these subjects to create new randomised question banks in Moodle XML using PHP. Mathematical expressions were coded in LaTeX for MathJax, so that when displayed in Moodle, they would be fully accessible in all browsers, on small screens and can be magnified or read aloud if required.

  • University skills through the foreign language

    This 2013-14 project supported a one-day languages event for local sixth form students. The students and teachers attended a lecture in the morning facilitated by an educational consultant. They learned about independent study, motivation, presentation skills and learning in a multi-cultural context. Afterwards students had a campus tour facilitated by Student Ambassadors in the target languages of the day (French, German and Spanish). This was followed by afternoon sessions in which they worked in groups on different topics that then they had to present in the foreign language. The afternoon sessions were facilitated by language staff (Emilie Poletto, Astrid Forsyth and José Carlos Cirera).

  • Crowdfunding: a platform and a teaching tool

    This 2013-14 project aimed to enable experiential learning for entrepreneurial students across the University of Bath, and develop competence in a fast-growing means of financing new ventures – crowdsourcing. We created a crowdfunding platform where students were be able to upload their own business ideas, then evaluate and “vote” on which ideas get funded. Our aim was to help nurture the entrepreneurial talents of students, by further developing skills in communicating business ideas, evaluating prospects and pitching their ideas through images and videos. The platform (StudentStarter) was used within the Entrepreneurship and Innovation MSc unit, the Zurich Community Challenge and the Operations Management unit in the School of Management.