Technology-enhanced Learning
Concept bites
Dr Fiona Dickinson, from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Bath, explains her use of concept bite videos in a concept bite video. This is a recorded version of a case study presentation at a Director of Studies...
Guidelines for using blogs in higher education teaching -6 tips
Oliver Walton, University of Bath, October 2016 Why use blogs in your teaching? Blogs are becoming more widely used in higher education, and a growing body of evidence has explored how they can enhance learning and teaching (Oravac 2003, Williams...
Maths lectures with iPads: pros and cons
Dr Kit Yates from the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Bath reflects on his experience of using iPads in mathematics lectures as part of a trial to provide his pros and cons for their use.
Exploring the use of technology in the classroom
Dr John Troyer from the Department of Social and Policy Sciences at the University of Bath discusses the importance of exploring the use of different classroom technologies, experimenting, and finding the right mixture for you.
Why I don't use powerpoint
Dr John Troyer from the Department of Social and Policy Sciences at the University of Bath answers the question of why he doesn't use powerpoint (or similar presentation technology) in his lectures and the benefits of this approach.
What is (classroom) technology?
Dr John Troyer from the Department of Social and Policy Sciences at the University of Bath discusses the broader question of what is technology in the classroom, as part of his thoughts on its use.
International Conversations on Skype and Twitter
Dr Wali Aslam from the Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies at the University of Bath discusses how and why he uses and combination of skype and twitter to engage his classes in conversations with students, academics, aid workers and journalists across the world. He then describes some of the lessons learnt in organising international conversations over skype for his classes, and some things to consider in advance.
Serious Games
Dr Hannah Durrant from the Institute of Policy Research at the University of Bath discusses the rationale for embedding serious simulation games into the teaching of Social Policy and then discusses using the simulation game Democracy 2 with students working in a special technology enabled group-work room.
Structure Visualisation for All and Anywhere: an e-learning resource
Understanding the structure of a compound or material is central to the learning goals in many areas of science and engineering including chemistry, pharmacology, materials and chemical engineering, and biochemistry. But structures are three dimensional and conceptually difficult to understand through the normal two-dimensional learning formats of lectures, lecture notes, textbooks and whiteboards. This 2013-14 project provided access to software and extensive database resources to all undergraduate and postgraduate students, undertaking Chemistry and Natural Science degrees, to allow them to view and manipulate structures in three dimensions using departmental computer resources and their own laptops, computers, tablets and smartphones.
Developing randomised e-quizzes for flexible assessment
The aim of this 2013-14 project was to generate large banks of applied numeracy Moodle questions to support the teaching of basic maths in Biochemistry and Chemistry. We employed and trained six students studying these subjects to create new randomised question banks in Moodle XML using PHP. Mathematical expressions were coded in LaTeX for MathJax, so that when displayed in Moodle, they would be fully accessible in all browsers, on small screens and can be magnified or read aloud if required.