Alison Ryan
Alison Ryan19th April 2018
Compiling the REF Readiness Exercise submission
An update from the Faculty REF Team on how the Faculty’s submission for the University’s second REF Readiness Exercise was prepared. What is the REF Readiness Exercise? The University’s second REF Readiness Exercise (RRE) supports faculties in understanding how well...
Alison Ryan6th March 2018
Allocating our studentship funding
Author: Dr Sally Clift, Faculty Director of Doctoral Studies - Explains how the University Research Studentship Allowance (URSA) awards are allocated. Each year, the Faculty is allocated a number of URSA studentships to award to potential PhD students. There are...
Alison Ryan25th October 2017
Preparing for REF 2021 – 30 second update
An update from the Faculty REF Team on the preparations for the next Research Excellence Framework (REF) in 2021. What has been happening? The Faculty’s submission for the University’s first REF Readiness Exercise was completed in September 2016, which included...
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Alison Ryan15th November 2016
Using Wiki to improve processes
I first used Wiki when I started in my current role to share papers for a group meeting. I only used very basic features to start with, such as uploading papers and using permissions to give new members access, but...
Alison Ryan6th September 2016
Handing over admissions
During his time as Admissions Tutor, Dr John Chew has seen applications for Chemical Engineering increase by 50%. As he hands over the role, John shares his experiences with us: I was the undergraduate Admissions Tutor (AT) for the Department of Chemical Engineering...