The University of Bath in London

Posted in: Industrial Strategy, Pall Mall

Pall Mall


The University formally launched its offices in London on Friday (3rd February). It creates a clear and firm footprint in the capital. The primary aim was focussed on the Institute of Policy Research, so it could be nearer to the heart of Government. That is no bad thing for science as well - even in the days of post-truth politics. Many academics at the universities in London do not fully appreciate the major advantage they have just through geography. The access they have, not only to Government, but to commerce and industry is second to none. The centralised nature of England makes this advantage inevitable.  Even with the Government’s devolution and regional agenda, further emphasised in the Industrial Strategy Green paper, it will still be some time before the world leading Universities outside of London will be able to compete on a level playing field. The hope is the presence in London will allow us the same sort of access enjoyed by others but it should also create opportunities for further collaboration and close links with those research institutes in London as well as industry.

Posted in: Industrial Strategy, Pall Mall


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