The Pan-Bath and Swindon Primary Care Research Consortium are planning a conference in collaboration with the Bath Institute for Mechanical Engineering (BIME) focused on telehealth, SMART HOMES and community and primary care.
The event is organised by the prestigious KT-EQUAL network whose remit is to increase the Knowledge Transfer of research and has a focus on assisted technology in a community setting.
The progress into telecare and telehealth, which BIME is pioneering, is an area in which the PBSPCRC see as the future in managing the increasing elderly population in our largely rural and dispersed geographical region. Swindon PCT are currently pursuing related, leading initiatives to provide a more responsive community based model of care and all our PCTs are seeing the future in terms of mainstreaming its use of telehealth solutions, to provide more timely and preventative care and support for people with long term conditions. This event will celebrate and explore the work of BIME and other local telehealth initiatives.
This free conference will include presentations by guest speakers, as well as a poster session and an excellent opportunity for networking - the aim of the meeting is to develop new research opportunities and collaborations.
Telehealth and Telecare - Friday 11 June 2010, 9.30am-4.30pm. The University of Bath.
For further information or to register a place, please visit the event website here, or contact event organiser Heather Williams; , 01225 385128.