The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Central Commissioning Facility (CCF) announced the opening of the 6th call for the Invention for Innovation (i4i) funding stream on Wednesday 19 May.
The i4i programme provides investement in, and improved identification of, promising healthcare technologies in order to accelerate the development of new healthcare products for the 21st century. i4i funds translational research, extending between basic research and pre-clinical trials or health technology assessments. This part of the innovation process is an area of high technological and business risk, and the projects funded by i4i reflect this.
Key features of i4i funding:
- Flexibility of entry points; depending on the maturity of the idea investigators can apply for funding from any of four streams and if appropriate proceed from stream to stream.
- Co-ordination between streams through having one secretariat.
- Support to projects that meet milestones and show promise to move onto the next funding stream with minimum delay and to accelerate them along the innovation pathway.
- Rolling programme of calls for proposals to fit better with the innovation process.
For further information including the guidance document can be obtained directly from the website:
Please note Stream 1 proposals must be submitted electronically no later than 5pm on Friday 2 June 2010.