Assisted Living Action Network (ALAN) Seminars:
- Intellectual Property Workshop - Every Business owns IP. What do you own? : 9 - 1 pm Wednesday 9th February 2011. Speakers: David Hopkins and Gary Townley. Register at:
- i-Med - How medical electronics will deliver patient power: Thurday 24th - Friday 25th March 2011. Speakers: TBC. Register at:
- From Medical to Mainstream - Business models to take assisted living to the mass market and making a case for venture capital. 5.30-7.30 pm Wednesday 30th March 2011. Speakers: David Rogers, Keith Heaton & David Calter. Register at:
- From Health Service to Self-Service - The promise of technology mediated health behaviour change. 5.30 - 7.30 pm Thursday 7th July 2011. Speakers: Prof Christopher Eccleston. Register at:
Events held at the Bath Ventures Innovation Centre, Broad Quay, Bath, BA1 1UD. Delegate places £10 (inc. refreshments).