How Bath RDS can help you

Posted in: HealthResSW

Bath Research Design Service is here to help you prepare research proposals for submission to peer-reviewed funding competitions for applied health or social care research. The Research Design Service (RDS) is part of the infrastructure of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).  The RDS will provide advice to NHS researchers, and others working in partnership with the NHS, who are developing an application to a suitable funding body. Priority will be given to NHS researchers applying to NIHR funding schemes.

The Bath RDS team are located at the Building 1 West, Department for Health, University of Bath. They have particular specialisms in the areas of research governance and ethics as well as quantitative and qualitative research methods.

If you have a research idea or would like to discuss further please contact Lisa Austin 01225 386575

  • Identify any gaps in the research team
  • Identify methodological issues
  • Advise on appropriate study design
  • Literature searching and identifying relevant articles
  • Design and advise on qualitative elements of your application
  • Provide a sample size calculation when possible
  • Give advice on appropriate statistical analysis
  • Provide advice on an appropriate health economic evaluation, if needed
  • Help submit the application to an internal regional review process (RDS Scientific Committee)
  • Give advice about Public Patient Involvement at all stages, and involve the stroke, carers or pain PPI groups which are held at the University of Bath if appropriate.
  • Guidance on costing the project
  • Often, but not always, become co-applicants on the grant
  • Provide a 1-day workshop about writing grant applications Provide an annual (usually in Spring), one week intensive residential research retreat for three members of the research team to work on the application.

Posted in: HealthResSW