‘A road map to involving patients in your research’ was an event held on 25th May 2012 hosted by Bath Research and Development (BRD). Involving patients, carers and members of the public in research is increasingly important to health researchers; public patient involvement is known as PPI. PPI can take the form of consultation, collaboration or the research can be user-led.
The event was opened by Professor Tony Miles, from the University of Bath, and Victoria Wells closed the day by sharing about her life-changing hip operation inspired by a talk Tony had given 6 years previously. Victoria’s talk went beyond her hip operation to public patient involvement (PPI), in particular giving a perspective through experiences to enable further research in musculoskeletal pain. Speakers from INVOLVE and the Research Design Service (RDS) explained how their organisations can advise and support PPI. Dr Nigel Harris from Bath Institute of Medical Engineering (BIME) shared some examples of how consulting with PPI panels has shaped technologies to assist dementia patients in the home.
The event was held in the Bath Hilton Hotel and was well attended by over 100 delegates, and from sectors such as higher education, the NHS, the third sector and patient representatives. Delegates travelled from across the region to attend, ranging from Southampton to Torquay.
Some feedback from the day:
"I thought the speakers were fantastic. Super event!"
"A really useful and informative event. Excellent!"
"As a carer for a patient it was interesting to see the concerns that
people using PPI have to take into account. Also a better understanding
of research makes me feel less uneasy about being involved."
"A very enjoyable and interesting range of perspectives and useful
information to take back to my work place."
"Thanks for a very informative and important programme!"
"I really enjoyed today. I found all the presentations really useful...
It was a good mixture of different professionals and a good event to
"Fantastic event! Great opportunity to network and learn more! But
secretly I can't wait for the day that PPI is totally intrinsic and
there is no need for events like this!"
Bath Research and Development is located at the University of Bath. If you are a patient or carer and would like to get involved in shaping research please contact Sarah Rook s.v.rook@bath.ac.uk or 01225 383897.