When: 24 January 2013
Time: 9.00am - 16.45pm
Where: The Forum, St James Parade, Bath, BA1 1UG
Dementia is a major challenge facing our health and social services over the next 20 years. This has now been recognised by the government and significant resources are being directed towards early diagnosis, new treatments and management of people with dementia.
This funding will only be effective if we can develop news ways of supporting and managing people with dementia and there carers. This will require a multidisciplinary team approach to problem solving and service delivery. Health and Social Care Practitioners are familiar with the concept of multidisciplinary team working but often lack insights into dynamics of group working. We need to ensure that the interventions are effective and consider outcome measures that are appropriate for a long term neurodegenerative condition that are appropriate for patients and carers.
This event aims:
- to help researchers, health and social care professionals to think differently about meeting the needs of people who are living with dementia
- to consider the range of outcome measures that might be used to assess the benefit of an intervention
- to make researchers aware of the challenges and opportunities of multidisciplinary working
- to inform new researchers of the needs of people with dementia
- to trigger ideas for new research and provide a forum where participants can develop potential proposals
Please note that this event has limited places to ensure that representatives from several disciplines have the opportunity to participate.
Free to attend with lunch and refreshments included.
For further details and to register interest: http://kt-equal.org.uk/calendar/96/61-Thinking-outside-the-box-meeting-the-needs-of-people-living-with-dementia-and-their-carers