NHS England & NEoLCIN plan to hold an event for the palliative and end of life care research sector

Posted in: HealthResSW

The National End of Life Care Intelligence Network (part of Public Health England) and NHS England plan to hold an event for the palliative and end of life care research sector to gain a better understanding of the research areas underway and to explore ideas for working together. They are hoping that representatives from the range of academic, clinical and educational researchers across the UK will attend. This will be an opportunity for researchers to engage with Public Health England, NHS England and research funders to influence research in palliative and end of life care.

The one day event will be hosted by PHE and NHS England and will be held on Thursday 15 January 2015 at a venue in London.

The objectives of the day will be:

• To update on policy and roles in research - Public Health England and NHS England

• To gauge the extent to which current research can contribute to improving end of life care

• To explore what is needed to get from knowledge generation to impact on practice

• To provide a networking opportunity for the end of life care research community, funders and policy makers

To support the day, they are asking researchers to inform them about their areas of research in advance of the day and would be very grateful if you will complete a short questionnaire.

Posted in: HealthResSW