The Translational Research Institute on Pain in Later Life (TRIPLL) of Weill Cornell Medicine presents a webinar series on Mobile Health, Pain and Aging. The TRIPLL webinar series is a web based training resource for health professionals, researchers and community practitioners interested in various health and research topics related to later life pain. Please see below for more details and links to register.
Our Next Presentation is:
Putting Behavioral Treatments for Pain Online: Evidence and Lessons
Monday, March 21, 2016
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm GMT
Presenter: Christopher Eccleston, PhD. Professor of Medical Psychology and Director, Centre for Pain Research, The University of Bath
Overview: The population and personal burden of chronic pain is now well documented. There is good evidence that behavioral medicine interventions are effective in reaching the core goals of self-management: distress reduction, activity engagement, and a reduction in pain report. However, access to face-to-face therapy is poor, meaning that most of the population who could benefit have no opportunity to benefit. E-health interventions are often presented as a solution. But do they work? This seminar reviews the evidence for psychological interventions and looks critically at those that have been tried on line. A summary of lessons learned and the features of potentially successful e-health innovations will be developed in the seminar.
Click here to register for this free webinar.