ASCmeIT app showcased at PETRA conference

Posted in: HealthResSW

Dr Lisa Austin, University of Bath, represented the Digital Bubbles team and their ASCmeIT smartphone application at this this year’s PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA) conference in Corfu.

Poster presented at the PETRA Conference

The ASCmeIT app allows people with Autism Spectrum Conditions – as well as families, teachers, professionals, and anyone who supports someone with autism – to share their ideas on what kind of new technology could help people with autism. Through the app you can upload a one minute video explaining your idea, which is then shared with researchers so that new developments in digital technologies for autism can be matched to support the needs of users. The app has proved very successful with over 100 videos uploaded since its launch.

The aim of the PETRA conference is to bring together such technologies to address important social and healthcare issues for sensitive populations, such as the elderly, persons suffering from chronic conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Cerebral Palsy, and other disabilities or traumas.

The app was well received and gained a lot of interest at the conference, with many attendees keen to learn more about co-creation of research with users and especially to hear more about methods to connect with people that were considered harder to reach.

Posted in: HealthResSW