The 15th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs was attended by specialist health professionals and researchers with a remit to help people with special needs through computing. Professor Sarah Parsons, from the Digital Bubbles team, presented the ASCmeIT app. The app, which allows people with Autism Spectrum Conditions to share their ideas on what kind of new technology could help people with autism, was particularly welcomed at the conference as it encouraged ideas from the autistic community as opposed to experts.
The Digital Bubbles group, who came up with the ASCmeIT idea, includes researchers from the Universities of Bath, Southampton and Sussex who are interested in how digital technology can best support people on the autism spectrum. Bath Research & Development managed the technical development of the app.
The proceedings from the conference, which includes the presentation from Sarah (What Technology for Autism Needs to be Invented? Idea Generation from the Autism Community via the ASCme I.T. App), are available here.