Symposium: Engaging young people, with pain related health conditions, in research

Posted in: HealthResSW

Pain is a common experience in young people who experience chronic illness, and a burden for many of these young people. Young people who experience ongoing pain report poor outcomes in terms of psychological, physical, social and peer-related functioning. Whilst the impact of pain on normative adolescent development is assumed, little is known about the exact social challenges that these young people experience. Moreover, the limited work in this area has typically focused on use of more traditional methods of interviews and questionnaires to explore this area. To develop knowledge in this important area, it is necessary that the chosen research designs match both the communication mediums and styles of young people.

About the symposium
The purpose of the symposium, kindly funded by the British Psychological Society, is to discuss more creative and/or online research methods to better engage with young people in a research context.

The symposium comprises of 3 seminar days spread across two locations:

3 March 2017 (University of Stirling)
19-20 April 2017 (University of Bath)

Each seminar day will bring together researchers, clinicians and young people with an interest in social challenges faced by adolescents with pain related health conditions and/or expertise in using creative assessment techniques to evaluate the use of creative research designs in the context of paediatric health.

Find out more and register here.

Posted in: HealthResSW