Research Capability Funding - new call

Posted in: HealthResSW

What is RCF?

NIHR RCF is a funding stream designed to help research-active NHS organisations attract, develop and retain high-quality research, clinical and support staff by supporting salaries.

Who is eligible?

Researchers, NHS or academics involved in people based research who will recruit from any of our Consortia areas; Bath & North East Somerset, Swindon, and East Wiltshire and the North and West localities of Wiltshire.

To cover:

  • the part of an NIHR Faculty member's salary which is not covered by other NIHR sources
  • new staff, who are expected to be Faculty members, but who have not yet obtained funding from the other NIHR sources
  • existing Faculty members who are "between grants"
  • the time spent by Faculty members in preparing grant proposals
  • the time spent by Faculty members in contributing to wider research needs, for example, in peer review panels
  • the research-related time of NHS-employed administrative and secretarial staff who are supporting Faculty members in their NIHR-related work.

Please contact Dr Lisa Austin: for an application form and the guidance notes.

Competition closes 13th October 2017

Posted in: HealthResSW