NIHR CRN Portfolio Application Form (PAF) to be discontinued
Following CRN wide agreement to decommission the PAF, the Health Research Authority is now undertaking the development work required to remove the PAF from IRAS. The changes are due to go live on Wednesday 4 November 2020. After this date, no new PAFs will be created in IRAS and it will not be possible to submit previously created PAFs. As such, no new PAFs will be received by the NIHR CRN into CPMS.
How to apply for NIHR CRN Support
Applications to be considered for NIHR CRN support are made via the Integrated Research Application System (IRAS), or, where Health Research Authority Approval is not required, via the relevant Local Clinical Research Network.
Studies that require HRA Approval and submission through IRAS
If your study is taking place in the NHS then it is likely it will require Health Research Authority (HRA) approval. To apply for NIHR CRN support users must select ‘yes’ to question 5b of the IRAS Project Filter. This will ensure key information from the IRAS submissions is automatically shared with the NIHR CRN.
This information, including the IRAS form (the main research study application form), the study protocol and grant award letter(s), will be used to determine eligibility. You will be notified of the outcome, via email.
Studies that do not require submission through IRAS
Some studies, including those running outside traditional NHS settings eg. in care homes, hospices, schools, prisons, or other social care and public health environments, do not require HRA Approval and therefore do not require an IRAS submission.
To apply, please contact your local CRN who will work with you and submit a CRN application form, along with the study protocol, grant award letter(s) and evidence of the appropriate research approval(s) to us on your behalf.
Information from your submission will be used to determine eligibility and you will be notified of the outcome, via email.
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