We have a series of exciting visits involving our Strategic Partners this month. Here are some highlights to look out for:
- On 4 June the Director of External Affairs from the National University of Colombia (UNAL) will be visiting the University to discuss the consolidation of existing and development of new activities under our university-wide partnership.
- The Vice President Professor Alvaro Crósta and his adviser from the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) will be visiting on 5 June. They are here to meet with the Academic Skills Centre to finalise a collaborative programme of teacher training activities that has been in development for the past year.
- Professor Colin Grant, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Internationalisation) is in South Africa this week visiting our Strategic Partner, Stellenbosch University. He will be discussing the next steps in our bilateral agreement and multilateral interests. Whilst in South Africa, he will also be in Pretoria to engage with policy makers.
- A delegation from the Faculty of Engineering and Design, led by Dean Professor Gary Hawley, will be in Singapore to meet with Nanyang Technological University and the National University of Singapore. Whilst in Singapore, there are also plans to meet with Dyson, Rolls Royce, Airbus and the Singapore Public Water Utility.
Exploring new opportunities for collaboration in research, Professor Grant will be in Qatar at the end of the month to meet with the Qatar Foundation, and in Dubai to meet with alumni and UK universities based there.
If you are a member of staff and have an international visit coming up, we'd like to know. Just send us an email to a.allonby@bath.ac.uk.