We have recently created the International Relations Office wiki pages for everything related to the International Strategy. We are using the wiki to share information with staff whilst our International Relations Office website is being developed. Here you can find more details of the three strands of IRO: International Partnerships, International Mobility and International Student Recruitment.
- international funding schemes (Bath International Research Funding Schemes, FAPESP and the Newton Fund)
- international strategic partners
- international strategic partner coordination groups
- international visits
- student exchange and summer school opportunities
- setting-up and renewing international exchanges
- exchange coordinator forums
- the Erasmus+ Programme
- funding to support studying overseas
International Student Recruitment
- admissions information
- market information
- summary market plans
- visit reports
- country manager information
The page also includes guidance on travelling overseas on University business. Here you can find travel information, country-specific travel advice and useful links to travel and visa services.