Bath International Funding Schemes - an update!

Posted in: Funding/Scholarship, International Strategy, Partnership, Research

International Research Accelerator Scheme

The deadline for the extraordinary call for the International Research Accelerator Scheme is fast approaching - Wednesday 25 May!

The ‘International Research Accelerator Scheme’ supports larger scale research activity with University Strategic Partners, such as the organisation of interdisciplinary and multi-partner workshops or symposia. Successful applications will be expected to lead to a number of concrete, high-quality research outputs, including external funding bids and joint publications.

Visit the Bath International Research Funding Schemes pages for further information.

Don't forget that applications should be submitted to the Head of Department for comments two weeks before the submission deadline and then to your Dean for comments one week before the submission deadline.

FAPESP-Bath Scheme

In this year’s first FAPESP-Bath funding call we have funded one project.

  • Dr Davide Mattia (Chemical Engineering) will be collaborating with colleagues from the University of Sao Paulo on tailoring oxide based nanoparticles for the mineral nutrition of plants.

Second call now open

We are now inviting bids for the next call of FAPESP - Bath funding to support projects in all fields of knowledge that involve the exchange of researchers. The invitation is open to researchers affiliated to either the University of Bath or higher education and research institutions in the state of São Paulo who are Principal Investigators of ongoing research projects funded by FAPESP.

Want to find a potential collaborator with an ongoing FAPESP research project? Why not use the FAPESP search engine.

Visit the FAPESP-Bath website for further information and application guidance. Deadline: Monday 25 July 2016

Posted in: Funding/Scholarship, International Strategy, Partnership, Research


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