The recent death of George Floyd has been heart breaking and shocking for many people around the world. Sadly, it is not an isolated incident but another example of appalling historical and ongoing racism and injustice in the United States and elsewhere. This includes here in the UK, in Bath, and in our University community. We are opposed to any form of discrimination, regardless of where it takes place in the world.
The Black community, historically and now, has experienced disproportionate levels of violence and discrimination from both the police and wider society. As their fight for justice continues, so must their ability to protest and rebel against the forces that oppress them. They need our support as allies and accomplices, it is not enough to be silent. We can all show our support and be part of the solution: to be actively anti-racist, to educate ourselves, to listen to our black friends and colleagues, to call out racism and injustice, to correct unequal policies and processes, and by amplifying the voices of Black people. We urge everyone to make a difference, however big or small that contribution may be, and recognise this is a lifetime commitment to eradicating racism and inequalities, and to the creation of an equitable and just society.
The Kaleidoscope Committee stand in solidarity with our black members, colleagues, students, and protesters across the USA, the UK, and around the world as we join the call to action of Black Lives Matter.