Following LGBTQ+ History Month in February, I offered to write a short blog reflecting on the different events held at the university by Kaleidoscope. I am probably a little biased as I’m on the committee, but I felt like this year’s series of events was the best yet. Holding a different event each week, a mixture of in-person and online, and all on different themes with different formats - it felt like we had something for everyone!
In the first week, Sophie and Todd hosted a very successful stall on the Parade giving away a free cupcake to anyone who answered a question on LGBTQ+ history. Free cake always proves popular, and it was a great way to engage with staff and students passing by, have a quick chat on LGBTQHM and what it’s all about, and publicise the rest of the month’s events. 100 cupcakes were quickly snapped up!

Week 2 saw me host two amazing external speakers from the Bath Preservation Trust – Dr Amy Frost (Senior Curator) and Marie Brewer (Activities Officer). They delivered a talk on the life and times of William Beckford and how the Trust is trying to tell his story in a newly developed exhibition at Beckford’s Tower in Bath. The talk was both fascinating and shocking, dealing with tough themes such as slavery and sexual abuse. You could tell everyone in the room was intrigued by the subject matter, not only due to Beckford’s turbulent life but also how an organisation goes about tackling and presenting such difficult issues to a modern audience. The event unsurprisingly overran due to the number of questions at the end! Hopefully, we will be able to visit the new exhibition soon when it opens in the Summer, for more information see their website Beckford's Tower and Museum (

The third event was a much more hands-on affair, as Sophie ran a workshop creating a collage LGBTQ+ timeline of Britain. This was all about getting stuck in, being creative, and learning about British LGBTQ+ history in the process. I think our Instagram video speaks for itself (please gives us a follow).
Week 4 saw us hosting an online LGBTQ+ alumni panel. Former students, from all different backgrounds and periods of the university’s past, volunteered to share their experiences of being queer at Bath and beyond. This truly was an inspiring hour of honest discussion. Sometimes funny, light-hearted, and at other times insightful, powerful and inspiring. It touched on coming out at university, finding your community (LGBTQ+ or not) while here, and how this changed over time after leaving university and into a career. What struck me the most was how inclusive they all felt the university was while they were here and the importance of having a supportive group of friends and peers around you. I also took away the importance of LGBTQ+ role models in our lives, especially when growing up and in early adulthood, the power of seeing someone else like you in your community (i.e. university or workplace) can be incredibly empowering. Thank you to everyone who took part.
The final event was a joint Friday evening social with the LGBTQ+ staff group from Bath Spa University. Although I couldn’t make it, I was assured afterwards that fun was had by all, and it was the perfect way to kick back and relax after delivering a successful LGBTQ+ History Month!

If you missed out on this year’s LGBTQ+ History Month events then do not fear, the Kaleidoscope committee organises events and socials all year round. If you would like to join the mailing list as a member or ally or have a suggestion for a future event, then just email Sophie via
Hopefully, we see you at Campus Pride in April!