Sophie Madison
Sophie Madison18th May 2017
Kaleidoscope Campus Picnic!
The University of Bath’s LGBT+ staff and postgraduate researchers are invited to join Kaleidoscope for a picnic down by the lake. Grab your lunch and a pair of sunglasses (hopefully) and join us between 12:00 and 14:00! Feel free to...
Sophie Madison11th May 2017
Movie night: Feeling the Pride!
Last night we had film night – and I have a feeling it will be the first of many! With clear blue skies and blazing sunshine after work, we didn’t think that may people we turn up to spend the...
Sophie Madison8th May 2017
Bath Festival 2017
Saturday 27th May 2017 Tamsyn and Sophie will be attending these events, and we’re meeting in The Egg Cafe at 2pm for a coffee before the show so come and join us for a pre-show catch up! Happily Ever After 3-4pm...
Sophie Madison7th April 2017
Second meeting!
We had so much fun at the first meeting, we couldn’t wait to have another one! Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 25th April, at 6pm, in Bath City Centre. We’re meeting up again in April as another opportunity us...
Sophie Madison7th April 2017
What's in a name...?
Hi everyone – its Sophie here! (One of your friendly group co-chairs 😉 ) When Ed and I set up this group we were so excited and couldn’t wait to get started but there was one small problem… the name: “The University...